YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

Yong-Jin’s Blog

Decoding Data, Investing in Futures, and Charting Life’s Adventures

Topics of Interest


Daily Life and Family:

Dive into the intricacies of everyday life, chronicling my evolving journey amidst the tapestry of family dynamics.


Data Engineering

Venture into the multifaceted realm of data engineering, sharing insights, discoveries, and fostering discussions with fellow enthusiasts.


Adventures Beyond the Screen:

Traverse through captivating travel tales and immersive experiences, exploring the world beyond pixels and code..



Navigate the rewarding challenges of parenthood, offering reflections on our growth as parents and sharing valuable insights and resources.



Chronicle my explorations in the financial landscape, documenting learnings and imparting investment wisdom gathered along the way.


Welcome to My Thought Haven

Embarking on my blogging journey in September 2023, I’m still exploring the vast world of content creation. While my posts might not have the polish of seasoned writers, I promise authenticity in every word I pen. Dive into my insights, and I hope you find value amidst these genuine reflections.

About Me

A proud dad and devoted husband. In the tech world, I navigate the intricate terrains of data and software engineering. I cherish every challenge, for they sharpen my problem-solving prowess. While I might wear the ‘n00b’ hat in many arenas, it’s my unyielding spirit to learn and improve that defines me.

Please share your insights and let’s connect!

Help each other learn

Open-minded perspectives

Frequently Answered Questions

No Frequent Questions yet… but I am trying to put something out. XD

What topics do you write about?

I write about various topics, including personal development, travel, data engineering, food, parenting, family, and technology.

What is my focus?

Writing serves as both an anchor and a compass for me. Personally, it provides an avenue to declutter my thoughts and channel introspection. Professionally, it acts as a tool for clarity and precision. My journey into the world of blogging is twofold: to hone my writing prowess and to share insights that might resonate or aid others. Here, I bridge the worlds of personal introspection and professional revelation, aiming to create content that enlightens and inspires.

How can you get in touch with me?

I’d love to connect with you! Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, drop me an email, or engage in the comments section of my blog posts. I’m always eager to hear feedback, answer queries, or simply chat!