YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

My New Blogging Journey: Motivations and Benefits

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Only a fortnight ago, I embarked on my blogging journey with yongjinlee.com. Amidst the joys of anticipating my baby’s birth and the adrenaline of a new contracting role, there were moments of introspection. Switching from a secure job to an exciting contracting role was a choice I made, drawn by the allure of bringing big tech best practices to other companies. But amidst this exhilaration, there were fleeting thoughts about job security as a Data Engineer contractor.


Challenges of the New Role

Being the new face in a team comes with its trials. Suggesting innovations meant stepping lightly, considering the established norms and the implications of these suggestions on the current user workflows. It wasn’t merely about presenting a change but about detailing its relevance and advantages.

Finding Clarity in a Labyrinth of Thoughts

After intricate meetings and unveiling new architectures, my mind often felt like a maze of thoughts. A surge of ideas and feedback left me yearning for clarity. Off the clock, I pondered how I could articulate my thoughts – perhaps in a manner that could resonate with others in similar domains. Blogging emerged as that sanctuary where corporate nuances didn’t confine me. It was a canvas for my raw, unfiltered ideas.

The Liberating Power of Writing

The act of writing was liberating. It wasn’t just about jotting down thoughts; it was akin to a meditative trance. With each post, I found my thoughts becoming more crystalline. And to my delight, without any active marketing, my blogs found readers. Observing my writings being shared on platforms like Medium, Linkedin, or Twitter was a silent testament to their resonance.

Unveiling the Benefits of Blogging

Embracing blogging has been both therapeutic and enlightening. Its multifaceted benefits have unfolded:

  • It’s a mental decluttering process akin to meditation. It’s also propelled me to maintain a daily journal.
  • It’s an avenue to share often overlooked ideas – be it intricate investment strategies or personal musings.
  • There’s potential to monetize through avenues like AdSense or affiliate marketing, all while indulging in my passion.
  • It’s a digital diary chronicling invaluable life lessons, how-tos, and insights from books or daily events.
  • This is more hope – I will become a better writer over time.

Blogging: Beyond Just Writing

While I may momentarily pause this habit once my baby arrives, I’m confident in its enduring charm. Blogging isn’t just about writing; it’s about connecting, sharing, and embracing diverse perspectives.

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