YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

Stop Worrying About the Downturn Before It Even Happens

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Lately, I’ve encountered numerous posts about layoffs and economic challenges on LinkedIn and in the news. This tide of uncertainty is unsettling, especially as I’m expecting a daughter and aim to provide her with stability and safety. Writing this blog helps me stay centered and continue with my usual routine.
I’ve learned that life can unexpectedly veer off course. I’ve faced setbacks where small progress was followed by more significant falls. Hitting rock bottom in 2014 was a turning point for me, and I’ve since embraced the notion that life doesn’t always align with our plans. These challenging experiences, though painful, were enlightening, teaching me the importance of being ready for life’s unpredictability.

Embracing Life’s Uncertainties: Lessons in Resilience

Each challenging event has been a learning opportunity for me. Health issues prompted me to quit smoking and focus on fitness. The experience of a job layoff taught me the importance of continuous skill development and maintaining an emergency fund. Through personal struggles, I discovered the true value of a few invaluable family members and friends. This period also taught me the significance of distancing myself from harmful relationships. It reminds me of a quote from Harry Potter: ‘If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.’ Hitting rock bottom can be revealing in terms of understanding those around you.

Small Steps Toward Big Changes

Preparing for the future involves small, often unnoticed steps that accumulate over time. Cutting unnecessary expenses, for instance, not only saves money but also shapes healthier spending habits. Having an emergency fund is crucial, not just for job loss but also for maintaining investments during economic downturns. It will also give us more options in our lives when we need to make decisions or face hardships.

Professional and personal growth is another critical area. I often find myself investing in discounted Udemy courses to enhance my skills. Balancing learning with quality time with my wife is a priority, as I believe maintaining happiness requires effort. To be honest, I have been feeling lazy ever since I finished my Master’s degree. I should spend more time learning new stuff.

Writing, like this blog post, helps me organize my thoughts and remember important life lessons. It’s a way to maintain clarity and peace of mind.

Gratitude: The Anchor in Times of Change

Acknowledging and appreciating the people and things we often take for granted is crucial. I regularly remind myself to be thankful for my job, my supportive family, and the few genuine friends I have. Forgetting their importance could lead to my downfall.

Conclusion: Embrace the Flow of Life

‘Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate’ serves as a reminder against overthinking – a principle from Occam’s Razor suggesting simplicity over complexity.
In summary, life is unpredictable. Good and bad events are part of it, and our reactions to these events shape our experiences. Worrying in advance changes nothing. Ironically, we sometimes act as if we deserve things when favorable events happen and deny reality or act as a victim otherwise. It’s essential to do our best daily and be prepared to learn from whatever life throws our way.

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