YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

Category: Daily Life

  • The Transformative Power of Weekend Parenting


    My wife recently began a new job that requires her to work every other weekend, leaving just my daughter Ahrin and me at home. While some have expressed concern about my ability to manage parenting duties along with my job, these weekends have actually been refreshing for me. I’ve discovered a sense of mental clarity. Before Ahrin Life before Ahrin was… Read more

  • Embracing Simplicity: Don’t transfer stress to yourself.

    In both my professional and personal life, I’ve frequently faced the challenge of addressing complex issues. My approach typically involves a deep dive into the problem, but I’ve noticed a common reluctance to address underlying causes in favor of quick fixes or shortcuts. This approach, though tempting, often fails to resolve the core issues and… Read more

  • Stop Worrying About the Downturn Before It Even Happens

    Lately, I’ve encountered numerous posts about layoffs and economic challenges on LinkedIn and in the news. This tide of uncertainty is unsettling, especially as I’m expecting a daughter and aim to provide her with stability and safety. Writing this blog helps me stay centered and continue with my usual routine.I’ve learned that life can unexpectedly… Read more

  • My New Blogging Journey: Motivations and Benefits

    Only a fortnight ago, I embarked on my blogging journey with yongjinlee.com. Amidst the joys of anticipating my baby’s birth and the adrenaline of a new contracting role, there were moments of introspection. Switching from a secure job to an exciting contracting role was a choice I made, drawn by the allure of bringing big… Read more

  • Shaping Success: How Perception Drives Personal Growth and Achievement

    Success stories, be they grand or modest, from close quarters or afar, resonate with all of us. But how we perceive these successes can significantly shape our own journeys. I will shortly list how our perception of other people’s success can impact us. The Evolving Lens of Success Throughout my life, I’ve observed various perspectives… Read more