YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

DBT Core vs. Dataform: A Comparative Analysis

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Recently, I embarked on an insightful journey of evaluating two renowned data transformation tools: DBT Core and Dataform. Our aim was clear: to significantly improve data analysts’ experiences when working with data transformations in our data warehouse. Since our primary tools comprise BigQueryAirflow, and other GCP products, the compatibility and integration of the chosen tool with these platforms was paramount.

Pricing and Features

While DBT Cloud offers an assortment of additional features like a user-friendly Web UI, it comes at a price. In our quest for cost-efficiency, we had to ensure we were obtaining maximum value without unnecessary expenditures. This led me to dive deep into a feature-to-feature comparison between DBT Core and Dataform. Here’s what I observed:

  1. Functionality: Both tools share a plethora of similarities when it comes to their core functionalities. They’re equipped to handle complex data transformation tasks with ease.
  2. Templating Engine: DBT employs JINJA for templating, giving users the flexibility and power of Python-like syntax. On the other hand, Dataform relies on JavaScript, a language many data professionals and developers are familiar with.
  3. Community Support: DBT does hold an advantage with a more expansive community. This means more resources, tutorials, plugins, and community-driven enhancements. However, this wasn’t a deal-breaker for us.

Considering our specific requirements and the above comparisons, I found myself gravitating towards Dataform. The allure of its free Web UI (more in-depth-dive in next section), even with certain conditions regarding orchestration and BigQuery usage costs, was persuasive. Not to mention, these were costs we were already bearing. When juxtaposed with DBT Cloud’s pricing, Dataform emerged as the more budget-friendly option.

Interactive UI: Bridging the Gap for Data Analysts

One aspect of the comparison that warrants special mention is the emphasis on user experience, particularly for data analysts who might not be accustomed to command-line interfaces. While DBT Core requires users to be familiar with the command line to fully exploit its capabilities, Dataform’s free Web UI offers a more accessible entry point for those less versed in command-line operations.

The interactive user interface becomes a game-changer in such scenarios. For many data analysts, the prospect of navigating through command lines can be daunting, and it represents a steep learning curve. Dataform’s Web UI offers a much more intuitive environment, wherein analysts can visualize, develop, and manage their data transformations without the need for extensive command-line know-how.

Furthermore, an interactive UI means real-time feedback and instant error identification, streamlining the development process. As data analysts are the front runners in transforming raw data into actionable insights, it is vital to equip them with tools that foster efficiency, reduce entry barriers, and make the process as smooth as possible. Offering a free Web UI ensures that even small teams or startups can leverage this advantage without incurring additional costs.

In this light, Dataform’s commitment to making its platform more accessible stands out. Especially in our environment, where diverse skill sets converge, having an interactive UI ensures that everyone, regardless of their comfort level with the command line, can contribute efficiently to the data transformation journey.

While this might not be the only factor tipping the scales in favor of Dataform, it was undeniably a significant win in our comparative analysis, underscoring the importance of user experience in modern data tooling.

Integration and Compatibility:

Another decisive factor was our organization’s allegiance to the GCP platform. With talks of possibly integrating Dataplex for data governance and cataloging, it was logical to opt for a tool that seamlessly integrates with our current stack. Dataform’s deep-rooted compatibility with GCP products solidified our decision.

I listed other high-level benefits of using Dataform in my other blog post. If you are interested, here is a link to the post.

Concluding Thoughts:

Exploring DBT Core and Dataform was more than just an evaluation task; it was a deep dive into the evolving world of data transformation. The advancements in this sphere have truly revolutionized data pipelining, making processes smoother and more efficient. Being able to assess and demo these cutting-edge tools was a rewarding experience. My recommendation to go with Dataform wasn’t just based on cost, but a holistic assessment of our organization’s current and future needs. I firmly believe that our choice will facilitate a more streamlined and productive data transformation environment for our team.