YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

My Dive into MLOps: A Data Engineer’s Perspective

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Yesterday, on the recommendation of a colleague/friend, I took my first step into the Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization. It wasn’t a random decision but a reflection of where I see the future of data engineering and machine learning converging.

MLOps Specialization Progress

Lessons from the Past

Throughout my time as a Data Engineer, I’ve tackled diverse challenges and worked on various projects. Some of these required me to set up data pipelines for fine-tuning ML models. In others, I had to create monitoring dashboards and alerts for metrics like recall and prevalence, ensuring that the models remained accurate and could adapt as needed.

One particular project stands out: I was given a model from a research team that I was asked to deploy on a production. A model that worked well with small datasets stumbled when faced with larger ones. Such experiences highlighted the importance of building a model and ensuring its scalability and robustness in diverse scenarios. It was here that seasoned Machine Learning Engineers mentored me through the troubleshooting process. These experiences underscored the importance of preemptive knowledge in the field.

I want to be well-equipped with solid knowledge when exciting ML projects come up on my plates in the future. Given my experience, I was rushing to find the information I needed to get things done within a given timeframe, and I do not like to build things in a rush without knowing whether I am making optimal and correct choices.

MLOps: The Next Logical Step

For someone entrenched in data engineering, MLOps feels like the next frontier. It seamlessly blends the realms of software and data engineering:

  1. Data Challenges: From crafting data pipelines to monitoring ML models, my background prepares me well for the data-centric aspects of MLOps.
  2. Software Engineering Aspects: MLOps isn’t just about data. Deploying and maintaining models in different environments, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring adaptability are all crucial. While I have much to learn here, I’m excited to expand my skills.

Why MLOps Matters Now

Machine learning is no longer a niche domain. Businesses across sectors are recognizing its value, and as they invest more, the demand for professionals skilled in MLOps is growing. It’s not just about having expertise in machine learning but also about understanding how to deploy, monitor, and scale these models in real-world settings.

A Change in Focus

Given the rising importance of MLOps, I’ve decided to momentarily set aside my studies for the GCP Data Engineer certification. While my academic background has given me a solid foundation in machine learning, I believe that hands-on, practical courses like this MLOps specialization can bridge the gap between theory and real-world application.


As I embark on this MLOps journey, I’m optimistic about the opportunities and challenges ahead. I believe combining my data engineering background with the skills I’ll acquire will place me at the intersection of two exciting domains, ready to contribute meaningfully to the evolving world of machine learning in production.