YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

Tag: investing

  • Cash Gaining Value: How I Secured an Extra $X00/Month Using My Automated Investment Strategy

    Why I have a process to get more cash with my automated investments: There’s a growing sentiment that cash will gain value as the Federal Reserve continues to hike interest rates. These rises can be attributed, in part, to governmental spending decisions and political agendas. Consequently, with the Fed’s intent to retract dollars from circulation… Read more

  • Real Estate Investing: My First Steps and Calculations

    Inspired by “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” I recognized the immense potential of asset ownership, particularly through real estate. Though I cherish my day job, I’ve seen the importance of multiple tax-efficient income streams. Solely relying on a singular income isn’t sustainable for the future I envision for my family. While salary increments are welcome and… Read more

  • Finding the Right Balance: Between Over-Enthusiasm and Apathy

    During COVID-19, conversations about real estate, stocks, and cryptocurrency have become commonplace. Whether at dinner parties with friends or family gatherings, everyone seemed to have an opinion. Most were either buzzing with excitement or entirely indifferent. Fast forward to today, and the chatter has died down, with fewer people showing enthusiasm about these investment avenues.… Read more

  • Navigating the Uncertain Economic Horizon: My personal investment strategy

    Intro: The whispers of an impending recession, underscored by signals like the high Buffett Index and the soaring PE Ratio of the S&P 500, place many of us at a crossroads between apprehension and opportunity. This post delves into my strategies and reflections as I steer my investments amid the looming shadows of a potential… Read more