YongJin Lee

Engineering Data, Investing in Tomorrow, Journeying Through Life.

Tag: self improvements

  • Three Parenting Rules I Want to Follow as A Parent

    Becoming the father of a precious newborn, I have encountered numerous experiences that have led me to formulate several parenting principles and philosophies. These insights are derived from a blend of wisdom shared by my wife, our parents, and our own experiences. As the phases of my parenting journey evolve, it’s crucial for me to… Read more

  • Embracing Simplicity: Don’t transfer stress to yourself.

    In both my professional and personal life, I’ve frequently faced the challenge of addressing complex issues. My approach typically involves a deep dive into the problem, but I’ve noticed a common reluctance to address underlying causes in favor of quick fixes or shortcuts. This approach, though tempting, often fails to resolve the core issues and… Read more

  • Why I Love My Job as a Data Engineer

    I love my job as a Data Engineer. From my start as a Business Intelligence Analyst to my evolution into a Data Engineer, I’ve had the privilege of expanding my skills through exciting projects. I heard it is hard to find a job you love, and I find myself lucky. My career began as a… Read more

  • My New Blogging Journey: Motivations and Benefits

    Only a fortnight ago, I embarked on my blogging journey with yongjinlee.com. Amidst the joys of anticipating my baby’s birth and the adrenaline of a new contracting role, there were moments of introspection. Switching from a secure job to an exciting contracting role was a choice I made, drawn by the allure of bringing big… Read more